A Green Mountain Energy® Sun Club Project

Sea Turtle Inc.

Sea Turtle Inc
Sea Turtle Inc
Sea Turtle Inc

Wildlife Conservation


South Padre Island, TX

Dedication Date:

July 11, 2014

Donation Type:

Solar Lighting


8 Amber Solar Street Lamps

Claim to Fame:

Sparking the Trend on the Island to Install More Amber Lighting for Sea Turtle Protection

Project Overview

Sea Turtle, Inc.‘s mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and release injured sea turtles, educate the public, and assist with conservation efforts for all marine turtle species. Based in South Padre Island, Texas, this non-profit turtle rehabilitation center first applied for a Sun Club donation in 2013, and was chosen to become a 2014 recipient of unique solar lighting.

The lights  are the first phase of the non-profit’s new center build-out. They are also be the first amber solar lights – a special color to prevent turtles from becoming distracted and swimming toward shore – installed on South Padre Island! Around 100 Green Mountain employees, customers and supporters of Sea Turtle Inc. were on hand to help flip the switch on the new solar lamps. They were also treated to a tour of the turtle nests on the beach and got to see a new hatchling up close, fresh from the shell. It was a magical evening for everyone and hopefully the start of  new solar revolution on the island!

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