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Get informed. Be prepared. Stay connected.

Get informed. Be prepared. Stay connected.

Get informed. Be prepared. Stay connected.
Get informed. Be prepared. Stay connected.

Get informed. Be prepared. Stay connected.

Texas Winter Weather Guide

Get informed. Be prepared. Stay connected.

Even in Texas, the winter season can bring in bad weather and freezing temperatures. The key to staying warm and safe is to be prepared. Use the helpful tips and resources in this guide to take care of your home and keep yourself and your loved ones warm while conserving as much energy as possible.

1. Protect your home and watch for ways to conserve energy.

  • Take care of your pipes. Lower the risk of damage to your home by wrapping your pipes and letting faucets drip in your kitchen and bathrooms. Shut off exterior faucets and drain water from outdoor pipes to prevent them from bursting.
  • Charge your devices. Make sure your cell phone, medical equipment, tablets and laptop are fully charged ahead of time.
  • Weatherstrip exterior doors and windows. Even the smallest cracks in doors and windows can let heat escape, making your heating system work that much harder.
  • Check your water heater. The optimal working temperature for a hot water heater is 120°. Make sure yours is in proper working order by flushing your water heater tank and checking the pressure relief valve.
  • Inspect your attic insulation. Replace any wet, moldy or damaged insulation. This is especially important in the area around the access door.
  • Set your ceiling fans to save energy. You can make your furnace’s job easier by setting your ceiling fans to rotate clockwise in order to recirculate heat that’s risen in your home.
  • Inspect your chimney for wear and tear. Be sure to also keep the chimney damper closed when it is not in use.
  • Set your thermostat for energy efficiency. 
    If you have an electric heater, save energy by setting the thermostat to 68° while you’re awake and lowering it when you go to sleep. When you leave the house, lower the temperature by 4°. If you have a smart thermostat, program it to lower the temperature automatically when people leave the house.
  • Invest in eco-friendly heating options. Space heaters with smart or eco settings, under-floor heating, and biomass heaters can be excellent ways to warm your home. Research your options to determine which models have the best energy efficiency settings, and make sure you follow the included safety instructions.
  • Take precautions to preserve perishable foods in case of a power outage. If the power goes out, be sure to minimize opening your refrigerator and freezer to keep the cold in and prevent food from spoiling for as long as possible.
  • Charge your EV. If you have an electric vehicle, you’ll want to make sure it’s charged up before the storm hits, just in case there’s an outage.
  • Secure a backup energy solution. If power outages are a regular occurrence in your home or neighborhood, a backup power solution could save you a lot of headaches every year. There are two main types of home energy storage: partial-home and whole-home. Partial-home solutions are less costly, as they only let you keep some lights and appliances like your refrigerator on during an outage. Whole-home systems are more expensive, but will allow your home to function during an outage as if it were still receiving power from the grid.

2. Stock up on supplies.

Before it freezes, make sure you’re stocked up on these essentials:

  • Bottled water
  • Nonperishable food (i.e., canned or dried foods)
  • A can opener
  • Medications (prescription and over-the-counter)
  • First aid supplies
  • Toiletries
  • Pet food
  • Warm clothing
  • Batteries
  • Flashlights
  • Battery-operated radio
  • Solar-powered phone charger
  • Backup power solutions, including a generator and a portable power bank
  • Gasoline for cars and generators

3. Know where to go in the event a of long power outage.

Make certain to plan for the possibility of an extended amount of time without power.

  • If your home is vulnerable to extended power outages, or if members of your household have medical conditions that may worsen due to cold weather, make plans to evacuate before the storm to a safer location. It could be too dangerous to drive once freezing temperatures hit.
  • If you’re sheltering in place, close off unimportant areas of the house and stick to a few rooms to maximize heat retention.
  • Pack a bag of essential items, including a phone charger, clothing, socks, shoes, toiletries, cash and important documents in a resealable plastic bag.
  • Get your car ready by filling up with gas, performing any necessary maintenance, checking and replenishing all fluids, replacing your windshield wipers and filling your tires with air.
  • Keep emergency phone numbers in multiple places and ensure that everyone in the family knows what to expect and what to do if the power goes out.

4. Know how to stay prepared in freezing temperatures.

When temperatures drop below freezing, take steps to stay prepared and get in touch with emergency contacts if needed.

  • Listen to local radio and television reports for weather condition updates.
  • Dress in several layers of lightweight clothing, including gloves and a hat that covers your ears.
  • If the power is out, turn off and unplug all major appliances.
  • If power is out for extended periods and you need to evacuate due to freezing temperatures, locate your nearest warming center, and follow local emergency guidelines for road safety instructions.
  • If you experience a medical or functional emergency, call 211. For a life-threatening emergency, call 911.

5. Know what to do after a freeze.

Once the cold weather passes and temperatures begin to rise, take some time to go through the checklist below.

  • Inspect the outside of your home for hazards (ice patches, hanging branches, etc).
  • Inspect your pipes and plumbing.
  • Test your heating systems.
  • Examine your water heater.
  • Clean and inspect your vents, filters and exhausts.
  • Gradually increase your thermostat settings.
  • Check for any roof and wall leaks.

Visit the following websites if you require assistance:

Frequently Asked Questions:

There are a lot of steps you can take to safeguard your pipes before a freeze. For instance, moving water takes much longer to freeze than still water, so allow your faucets to slowly drip so the water keeps flowing. You can also put a space heater in your basement, crawlspace or wherever your water pipes are to keep them warm. Make sure to insulate your water lines to help keep them from getting too cold.

Replace your furnace filter before the cold season. Check to make sure that your ducts are clean, and your vents are unobstructed. You should also have an HVAC inspection once a year to ensure that your system is working efficiently, and that no critical parts are becoming worn out.

Minimize opening your doors and windows, and keep your blinds and curtains closed. If you find any major air gaps in your doors or windows, try blocking them with rags or taping over them. Stick to the center of your house and close doors to rooms that are unused or drafty.

If possible, the best thing you can do during a winter storm is not drive at all. Cancel any nonessential trips and see if your employer will allow you to work from home.
However, if travel is necessary, follow these tips:

  • Check your tires, fuel, fluids and battery to make sure they’re all at the proper levels.
  • Keep sand or cat litter in your vehicle in case you need to spread it on ice to gain traction.
  • If your vehicle is outside, let it warm up before driving. Do not keep your vehicle running in an enclosed area, such as a garage.
  • Remove any snow or ice on your vehicle before driving.

If you know you’ll be travelling during a winter storm, make sure you’re thoroughly prepared before departing.

Power outages can very in length depending on storm length, damage severity and availability of repair resources.

If the power goes out, call your local Transmission and Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) to notify them of the issue. You can also track power outages by visiting your TDSP’s outage tracker.

  • Oncor
    Note: Oncor can link up to five different phone numbers with your ESID (Electric Service Identificatino Number) to speed restoration when you call to report outages. Call 1-888-313-6862 to set it up.
    Report and track outages

More winter weather tips and resources:

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