Q: Do solar powers require maintenance?
A: Solar panels typically require very little maintenance during their lifetime. The biggest concern—dirt and debris blocking the panels from the sunlight—is usually resolved by rain and gravity. Periodic cleanings may be required in some environments.
Because warranty terms vary by installer and equipment manufacturer, it's best to consult the warranties of your solar panel installation and equipment for specifics on what maintenance issues may be covered.
Q: Do solar panels work on a cloudy day?
A: On cloudy days when there is not as much sunlight, solar panels will not produce as much electricity. However, your home can still draw regular energy from the grid at your electricity plan rate.
And don’t forget, on sunny days when your panels produce more electricity than your house is using, you’ll earn a bill credit for the excess electricity returned to the grid.
Q: Do solar panels work at night?
A: Solar panels need sunlight to generate electricity, so they don’t generate electricity at night.
But rest assured, you won’t be left in the dark. Just as you do on a cloudy day, you’ll still have access to electricity via the energy grid.
Q: What if I rent, or live in a location that doesn’t receive much rooftop sunlight?
A: Depending on your living situation, solar panels may not be the best fit. If you rent a home or apartment, live in a climate that doesn’t get a lot of sunlight, or have a lot of trees blocking the sun from your home’s roof, a solar system may not be possible or practical.
The good news? You can still support the growth of solar power even if you don’t get solar panels installed on your roof. When you sign up for the SolarSPARC® (Smart People Accelerating Renewable Change) electricity plan, Green Mountain sets aside money each month on your behalf to fund projects, programs and solar-related technologies that help make this renewable energy source even more affordable.