A Green Mountain Energy® Sun Club Project

Silambam Houston




Pearland, TX

Dedication Date

June 4, 2024

Donation Type

 Rooftop solar, battery storage and sustainability pavilion


14.58 kW

Claim to Fame

 A new solar array and outdoor pavilion advances the dance studio’s commitment to sustainability and ability to provide tuition waivers for 100 students.

Project Overview

Founded in 2002, Silambam is Houston's premier Indian classical arts organization. It’s mission: to increase the appreciation and understanding of Indian artistic traditions across cultural boundaries. The organization’s Arts Academy programming currently serves 170 students each week with 17 teaching artists on staff, while its Dance Company is home to 20 professional dancers. 

Silambam’s commitment to community and culture includes “Dancing into STEM,” a series that uses Indian classical dance, music and rhythm to explore concepts in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Silambam performances can be seen all year at its performance cultural arts center and other Houston-area venues, including Miller Outdoor Theater.

A $102,706 grant was awarded to power Silambam’s Pearland facility with 100% solar energy, saving the organization over $4,000 in annual energy costs. Additionally, the grant will help fund the adjacent Green Mountain Energy Sun Club Sustainability Pavilion, a new gathering space for receptions and events.


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