Community News

Sustainable Stories: Chameleon Cold-Brew

Chameleon Cold-Brew was founded in 2010 when two neighbors who shared a deep passion for coffee set out to brew the best coffee they’d ever tasted. They experimented for months until they felt they had succeeded…and Chameleon was born. Learn about how they've kept sustainability at the heart of their mission.

Taking Haste For Less Waste

Join the 30-Day Sustainability Challenge in celebration of Earth Month! Hear from Katie on how she will reduce waste for the month of April by ensuring that everything she consumes gets a second life before being recycled or thrown away.

Celebrate Earth Day! Join the 30-Day Sustainability Challenge

Kick off Earth Month by joining the 30-Day Sustainability Challenge! Want to make a green habit stick? Think about setting a goal regarding transportation, waste, energy or water. Read what Green Mountain employees are doing to green-up their lives in celebration of Earth Day - today and everyday.

Our love letter to the planet.

The goal of Green Mountain’s blog is to advance our mission by being open and honest about sustainability. By providing a space to talk about clean energy and its importance, we aim to elevate environmental awareness and encourage action for our planet. We love supporting our customers’ steps toward sustainable living and believe that they, too, can show others how to go green and grow their impact. For us, it’s all about igniting positive change so that we all can choose a cleaner planet.

Ready to go green? Sign up for clean energy today.