Green Living and More

Energy Efficiency Saves You Money!

How would you like to save an extra $275 this year? Saving is simple if you make just a few changes in your household to be more energy efficient…

Ozone Action Days and What You Can Do to Help

We’re all familiar with the term “ozone action day,” “ozone warning day,” or “ozone watch day” and typically associate these designations with a hot summer day. But what do they really mean? Below we explain the significance of ozone pollution and what you can do to make a difference.

Celebrate Your Eco-Independence

Independence Day is just around the corner, which means it’s time to celebrate your eco-independence as well! Here are a few summer eco-tips to help you incorporate green into your celebration of the red, white and blue.

Beat the Texas Heat with Drought Tolerant Plants

The Texas summer heat has arrived, and your lawn or garden may be looking a little thirsty. Instead of reaching for your garden hose, think about replacing non-native plants that require lots of water with drought tolerant natives.

Drive Smarter to Save Money and CO2 Emissions

Summer is fast approaching, and if you’re looking for ways to save money aside from improving your home’s energy efficiency, take action by driving more efficiently. Here are the best tips to cut back on gas consumption.

Our love letter to the planet.

The goal of Green Mountain’s blog is to advance our mission by being open and honest about sustainability. By providing a space to talk about clean energy and its importance, we aim to elevate environmental awareness and encourage action for our planet. We love supporting our customers’ steps toward sustainable living and believe that they, too, can show others how to go green and grow their impact. For us, it’s all about igniting positive change so that we all can choose a cleaner planet.

Ready to go green? Sign up for clean energy today.