Green Mountain Energy® Blog

Busted! The Truth About 6 Renewable Energy Myths

677596_Renewable Energy Myths and Facts_v2
677596_Renewable Energy Myths and Facts_v2
677596_Renewable Energy Myths and Facts_v2
Myth 1: Renewable energy does not matter
Myth 1: Renewable energy does not matter
Myth 1: Renewable energy does not matter
Fact: The grid is made up of various electricity generation sources
Fact: The grid is made up of various electricity generation sources
Fact: The grid is made up of various electricity generation sources
Myth 2: Renewable energy is unreliable
Myth 2: Renewable energy is unreliable
Myth 2: Renewable energy is unreliable
Fact: Renewable resources are always available
Fact: Renewable resources are always available
Fact: Renewable resources are always available
Myth 3: Renewable energy costs too much
Myth 3: Renewable energy costs too much
Myth 3: Renewable energy costs too much
Fact: The cost of wind and solar energy have gone down drastically
Fact: The cost of wind and solar energy have gone down drastically
Fact: The cost of wind and solar energy have gone down drastically
Myth 4: Sustainable power is not an option
Myth 4: Sustainable power is not an option
Myth 4: Sustainable power is not an option
Fact: You can choose your renewable energy supplier
Fact: You can choose your renewable energy supplier
Fact: You can choose your renewable energy supplier
Myth 5: Need to switch electricity provider
Myth 5: Need to switch electricity provider
Myth 5: Need to switch electricity provider
Fact: No need to end contract with your electricity provider
Fact: No need to end contract with your electricity provider
Fact: No need to end contract with your electricity provider
Myth 6: Being sustainable takes too much work
Myth 6: Being sustainable takes too much work
Myth 6: Being sustainable takes too much work
Fact: Green Mountain Energy wil guide you
Fact: Green Mountain Energy wil guide you
Fact: Green Mountain Energy wil guide you

1 Fact source: Green Mountain Energy’s How Clean Energy Works video

2 Fact source: Clean Technica

3 Fact source: Green Mountain Energy’s How to Get Green Energy at Home: Electric Choice States video

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