Grand Prairie AirHogs Announce Purchase of 100% Renewable Energy for Baseball Stadium

Sports fans may start noticing increased sustainability efforts taking place at some of their favorite sporting venues as initiatives such as recycling, composting, providing bike racks and mass transit options are implemented.

Some teams are taking a giant green step further and purchasing 100% renewable energy to power their operations! A true home-run in our book.

The Grand Prairie AirHogs recently signed on to purchase 100% renewable electricity from Green Mountain Energy Company to make its baseball stadium operations more sustainable! Powering the ballpark with clean electricity will reduce carbon dioxide emissions and help lower the organization’s overall environmental footprint.

grand-prairie-airhogs-2.jpg Adding to its sustainability initiatives, the Grand Prairie AirHogs are also working to revitalize a recycling program that will enhance waste distribution efforts at the stadium, which hosts over half of a million visitors every year.

In 2013, 126 pro sports teams made up the five major sports – and 38 of them were using renewable energy for at least some of their needs! 18 had even installed solar panels at their stadiums, according to USA Today.

“One of the most impactful ways to support the environment is choosing clean energy, and we’re thrilled to see that 100% renewable energy from Green Mountain contributes to the AirHogs’ sustainability efforts and brings additional awareness about the range of clean energy solutions to AirHogs fans,” said Mark McShane, vice president of Green Mountain Energy.

The Grand Prairie AirHogs have signed on as a 100% renewable energy customer through 2018. Read more about how we've teamed up here.

Visit the ballpark and root for the AirHogs this summer.

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