Easy Ways to Save Money and Help the Planet

You don’t have to come up with super-funky ways to curb your spending. Being resourceful and watching for repurposing opportunities can put you in the plus column when it comes to your monthly budget.

How can saving some green be even better? By taking it easy on the environment at the same time. Check out our ideas to keep more cash in your wallet while showing the planet a little love.

  • B.Y.O.M.: Look for discounts at your favorite coffee shop for bringing your own mug.  Easy-ways-to-save-money-2.jpg
  • Grocery checklist: Plan what to buy at the grocery store, and stick to your list to save money you would otherwise spend on impulse purchases and to avoid food waste.
  • Thrifty partying: When the invitation arrives for your favorite theme party, like ‘70s disco, Halloween or ugly Christmas sweaters, visit second hand shops for clothing and accessories.
  • Reuse with your pet: Plastic produce bags from the grocery store come in handy when it’s time to clean up after your dog during your morning and evening walks.
  • Homemade for the kids: Make your own bubbles by pouring liquid dishwashing soap in a bucket of water, and go for it! It’s a great way to minimize packaging waste, transportation costs and production activity.  Easy-ways-to-save-money-3.jpg
  • Turn takeout into Tupperware: Restaurant to-go containers have become sturdier and more durable. Hand-wash some of those lids and trays to use them again as food-storage containers.
  • Pollution-free power: Going green when it comes to electricity is affordable. Make a positive impact on the environment and switch to clean energy with a Green Mountain pollution-free electricity plan. Easy-ways-to-save-money-4.jpg

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