Clean solar electricity for your home.
Clean solar electricity for your home.
Clean solar electricity for your home.

Clean solar electricity for your home.

Fuel Your Home with Solar Energy.

At Green Mountain Energy, we believe everyone should have the power to choose a solar electricity plan that fits their lifestyle. Whether you own a house and want panels on your roof, or you rent a home and want a plan backed by solar energy, we can get you on the path to a greener future powered by the sun.

Go local. Go solar. Right here in Texas.

Your home can tap into 100% solar electricity generated at a solar panel park located in Texas.

Charge your EV for a lower price.

Get 100% solar power at a lower price from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. on the Solar All Nighter for EVs plan.

Get paid for your
 excess energy.

Earn bill credits for excess solar energy you send to the grid on the Renewable Rewards program.