Green Mountain® Blog

Go green and live sustainably. We'll show you how.

The Green Mountain Energy blog is your path to explore the world of clean energy and learn ways to live more sustainably after you go green. Our blog offers updates on green living, solar energy, sustainable businesses and community news, as well as Green Mountain business news and Sun Club.

Bringing You Green Tidings and Holiday Cheer

This season is filled with fun, frenzied shopping, out-of-town road trips to see family and friends, sweet indulgences at every meal, and, sadly, extreme excess. Check out the ways you can sustainably deck your halls this year.

Keep Your Fright Night Eco-Friendly

Staying eco-conscious takes just a little planning and ingenuity. We’re giving you a head start with some environmentally friendly Halloween ideas that would make Mother Nature proud.

Our love letter to the planet.

The goal of Green Mountain’s blog is to advance our mission by being open and honest about sustainability. By providing a space to talk about clean energy and its importance, we aim to elevate environmental awareness and encourage action for our planet. We love supporting our customers’ steps toward sustainable living and believe that they, too, can show others how to go green and grow their impact. For us, it’s all about igniting positive change so that we all can choose a cleaner planet.

Ready to go green? Sign up for clean energy today.